This one took some time. I’ve been using the recent cinematic Marvel Universe for Shield and Hydra while usingĀ the classic comics for the X-Men. It’s meant to be a contrast and it works on what I know (I collected X-Men, but never really paid attention to Shield). I couldn’t think of a Queen of Hydra from the movies so I pulled Raina from the T.V. series. I had fun making the model, but I must say that the ladies are much more chunky looking than the guys (my apologies to Scarlett and Ruth).
Here are the Queens together.
I like this one a lot. Although I might go all Bruce Timm Batman on the thing and drop the highlight. Just let her meld into the background.
Maybe just a little rim light ala Timm’s Catwoman. I don’t want to lose her hair or confuse her strappy shoes. I’ll definitely do revisions after I see them all together.
Can you think of any other girl Hydra agents?
Gary Schandling, Bill Paxon or Pullman, Gwen Paltrow… oops just revealed the plot of Age of Ultron, sorry. (Hail Hydra)