Today is the beginning of what we are hoping will be a whole month of supers. Inspired by Everett Downing’s website where he made original super beings for every day of the year, this is my first super- Bullion.
He was a servant of King Midas who was a little grabby and he ended up gold. His power seems to be immortality (but who can really say on that?) and malleability (he can change his shape (within limits))- oh and he has the head of a bull.
Downing is an employee of Pixar and way out of my skill level so I thought that Doodlehoose Too and I would tackle 36.5 supers. I figure I have at least a secondth of Downing’s talent and with Doodlehoose Too we should be able to get to a tenth.
So look for more throughout the month of July. This week belongs to Doodlehoose One
That’ Super Cool! He’ so shiny.
Spoken like a true browncoat. Are you ready for your turn next week?